
Rogation Tuesday

The second of three Rogation Days before Ascension Day

Rogation - from rogare - to ask

Fits tune: St Leonards

(\'May the mind of Christ my Saviour\')

Luke 11 v.5 - 13


Which of you has friend at midnight

Calls at your house, ere dawn\'s light

Requesting loaves for visitor

That he with them share


Saying, \'Friend, please lend me three loaves\'

For our friendship it behoves

You to rise, to give me, I pray

E\'en though it not day


Yet response is, \'I cannot rise\'

We are sleepy, tired our eyes

But persistence does avail for

He opens the door


Opens door to give him fine fare

To sustain visitor there

And Jesus says, \'Ask you, knock, seek\'

Be not timid, weak


For in asking you shall receive

In seeking shall find, believe

In knocking door shall be opened

Good gifts shall God send


Whether bread, fish, or egg request

God shall it to you bequest

And give e\'en His Spirit Holy

Ask Him, you shall see