
\"Dressed in BLACK\"

Dressed in black is the man who I once thought of as kind and trustworthy, until his true self revealed itself in a dark room one night; I could feel the inside of his soul as his hands rubbed up against my tiny and frail legs, what was left of it anyways; As he gasped for air on my brown cheek bones, I could almost smell the dirty thoughts that ran through his mind with a wisp of bud light and Newport shorts that captured the fresh aroma around me; as he spoke and whispered with innocence I began to question normality, what was normal and was this? Sexy and special is what I was to him, so sexy to feel and touch on, and so special to get paid to sit there and be still as his hands moved farther and farther down my princess underwear; I was a princess, his princess, he said; it was in that moment my entire existence would drastically change, and it would be my choice and decision to allow it to save or destroy me.