

What is meaning?
The sweet sobriety of a wizened pen rested against a blackened inkwell
Meadows of sun-parched jealousy, bathed in the warm glow of streams of tears
White shadows, autonomus and unfeeling
follow the haze of conformity

how many pass through each day like open doors,
waiting and hoping for any, yet no direction
falling into the open expanse.

What has meaning?
Pain, constant yet non-existent
in a world of allegorical loops
repeating and revising until

Until the instinctive conclusion;
is time really time?
knowing is unknowable, just as thoughts, drifting in the desert breeze
dust.... merely specks of life, dismissed by passing ages
In truth, meaning is a metaphor, passing opinion as fact
as though it were a gift worth giving

The greatest conundrum man has faced
shrouded in mystery and legend

Am i drowning my sorrows in an empty bottle,
watching life drain away as i gorge myself on the sweet nectar of self pity
giving no concern to anyone else around me ;
letting them fade into the background as if they were extras in the screenplay of pain