
Hi are you ready for change?

Dramatic change, soft change, hidden change, surprising change.

Either  you initiated it or it came out of the blue… change is always at first, sort of   strange.


We live in illusion of stability,

People,  culture, religion,family and ourselves support this false  reality.

Maybe because it is pragmatically more convenient,

or our mind is too lenient,

or we are too conditioned and obedient…


Yet at some point, the outcome of change will strike us

Earth beneath our feet will shake, thus.

The rules of the game will change forever,

Like streams of water bouncing in a river.


It will take sometimes to realize,

That in many occasion for the sake of stability, we compromise.

It’s legitimate from emotional needs’ point of view,

A long as you are aware and don’t deceive the true YOU.


It’s also good to plan in advance back-up plans,

Because change, in whatever resolution, is part of life,  hey human...


Flexibility, detachment and sense of humor are always good.

Even if at some point you will find yourself in the woods.


Remember your home is your  being -BodyMindSpirit

It’s based on your unique singularity, yet partly sadly or not, you inherit.