He‘s like the sun but even brighter,
When he laughs I feel even lighter.
I hate this feeling, the softness inside.
I used to be tough but now I\'ve just lied.
Kill me, I pray, this is too much
For I do hold my breath whenever he does touch.
How can a human feel this way
We were made for war not to dance and sway.
This love and happiness has gone to my head
Insults used to be there but now there\'s just led.
I can\'t believe it‘s love, why can\'t we be friends
Just the beginnings and never the ends.
I should forget, before I get hurt
But instead I just stand there and flirt.
He‘s not interested, I know that for sure.
He wants friendship but I want more.
I\'ve made up my mind, I\'m going to give up.
Now when I see him, I‘ll just say \"what\'s up?\"
Before I just shyly said hi
But he walked away without saying goodbye.
So that\'s my love life, there in a box
I\'m going to leave it as I can‘t find the key for the padlocks.
That\'s it for now so i‘ll say goodbye
And onto the next guy where i‘ll shyly say hi.