

This is one for my Sierra,
The only star of my era.
What\'s now lost and can\'t be found,
As I approach the hallowed ground.
I saw clearly her lovely smile,
and I fell dearly like a child.
But what I didn\'t really know,
Sometimes the seeds of love can\'t grow.
The world turns and spins in place,
Yet each day I can\'t forget her face.
Her eyes did look amazingly,
Paralyze and dazing me.
Her hair did flow like a river,
The thought it\'s gone is cause to shiver.
The way she\'d smile so humbly,
I do miss it constantly.
But in the end nothing matters,
The thought of her and my heart shatters.
Nothing said can fix it now,
But I will try to find somehow.
Everything comes to end,
Yet I\'ll sit and I\'ll pretend.
Like maybe it isn\'t all that bad,
Like maybe I\'m not going mad.
But how I miss her everyday,
So much to do yet not to say.
I won\'t move on or change my mind,
She\'s the only one, who could be mine.
So here I shall sit and wait,
But never will I hesitate.
I\'ll tell the world I\'ll let them know,
How much she makes my world glow.
She\'s my Sierra, the only one,
Like the Earth, has one Sun.