
All Greek To Me.

Into the restaurant we walked,

Me the old Grandad,

She the young granddaughter,

As we have numerous times before.

We were taken to our table,

The menus presented in front of us.

The waiter approached,

A man of middle age,

A man of good humour.

“Kalo apogevma, Good evening “ He said,

“What would you like to drink?”

We gave him our orders,

Followed by “Thank you”

“No” he said “it is efcharisto”,

So we said “efcharisto”.

We ordered our food,

And said “efcharisto”.

The drinks came,

“Efcharisto” we said,

And he smiled as he replied

“Parakalo, you are welcome”.

The starters came,

The mains came,

And after each course we said


He replied “Parakalo”.


We had a beautiful meal,

A wonderful evening together

In each others company.

We got up to go

And as we left the waiter said,

“Antio sas, good bye”,

I replied “Au revoir”,

My granddaughter replied “Adios”.

I haven’t a clue what was happening,

It was all Greek to me!