
Deity Declarations

Fits tune: Ville Du Havre

(\'When peace like a river\')

Psalm 19 v.1 - 5


The heavens the glory of God do declare

And so too the firmament fair

Does show forth His handiwork, His crafts true skilled

All created as He has good willed



Day to day (day to day)

Night to night (night to night)

God\'s works seen, God\'s works known, praise His name


Day to day utters speech, night to night knowledge

Does show, His works they encourage

There be no speech and there be no language, none

Where their voice is not heard, no, not one - Chorus


Their line is gone out throughout all of the earth

Showing the Creator\'s great worth

And their words have gone out to the ends of the world

He His works He has shown, them unfurled - Chorus


In the sky He a tabernacle for sun

Has set, gloriously has done

\'Tis as a fine bridegroom, graciously prepared

As strong man running race, unimpaired - Chorus