Writings From The Unknown13


you dragged me down 

but i got up 

you made me weak

i feel down on my knees

but i got up on my feet

you can try all you want 

but i will never die

i will never lose 

i will only win

you may have broke me,

but you didnt shatter me

as im getting stronger, your getting weaker

im falling,falling,falling but as i hit the ground...

i didnt feel a thing

as i hit the ground...

i went numb

as i hit the ground...

i didnt feel the pain

as the rain poured,

as the lightning struck,

as the thunder crackled...

i stayed standing 

i stayed there 

i stayed unafraid 

my wings are unbreakable

my heart is unbreakable

my youth is unbreakable 

my words are unbreakable 

my strength is unbreakable

this is my strength,

these are my thoughts...

of my unbreakable strength

i have unbreakable strength