Tony Jr

Unanswered Answers

Is what I see through my eyes the truth, or just simply lies,
Is what I see just what one wants me to believe,
Is what I see merely Imaginary,
Is the canvas in which I stand on just a hologram,
Is this canvas covering the depths of burning flames ?

Oh creator who am I speaking to,
I do not know of you\'re existence,
I do not know many things,
Am I a puppet being played with,
Every move I make controlled by anothers decision,
My life is a playground for whom I may never knows entertainment ...

Questions within questions,
Everything is questioned,
Actions speak louder than words,
Yet words are powerful,
Mislead by a book of mysteries,
The whole time mislead by misguided facts,
Misguided by only observations ...

Really what is life,
What is life after death,
An afterlife of merely nothing,
A mind trapped in a world of emptiness,
Answers answered,
Yet these answers are still questioned ...