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Fits tune: Trewen

(one tune to \'A debtor to mercy alone\')

Romans 5 v.1 - 9


Being justified by faith, see

We have peace with God, it now be

Possible through Christ, His own Son

He the redemption work has done

And by Christ we have access too

By faith into grace, it is true

This grace wherein we now do stand

Avails to all of every land


And this is not only so, for

We glory in troubles, are sure

That troubles work patience, and too

Patience works experience new

And experience hope does bring

Hope makes not ashamed any thing

Because the love of God is shed

Love of Christ who rose from the dead


This love shed abroad in our hearts

By the Spirit who ne\'er departs

He given to us by the Son

He the holy dove, He the one

Who leads us into the truth all

E\'en each one that does hear His call

Come fill us, each day, heavenly guest

Live in us, reside, in us rest


For when we were yet without strength

Christ did come to die, and at length

In due time did die for us, give

Himself for us that we may live

We the ungodly far away

From Him, yet He did the price pay

To bring us all back to His fold

And in His strong care gently hold


Here God His love to us commends

A love shown that is without ends

\'Tis in this, that Christ came to die

For us, ever truth, is no lie

Much more now, being justified

By His blood we in Him confide

And so from wrath we shall be saved

Through Christ, for He the way has paved