
The Glory of Jazz.

The assembled throng gathered,

Gathered in anticipation,

In anticipation of the band.

They arrived on stage

And they played,

And the glory of Jazz

Once more brought smiles,

Smiles to our faces and our hearts.

Looking round at the people

The heads were nodding,

Feet were tapping,

Fingers were drumming.

The happiness that jazz can bring

Was all around,

Music both fast and slow abounded.


That moment then came

When only clarinet and piano

Were heard.

That moment when the atmosphere changed

And a slow blues glided into our souls.

The tapping stopped.

The nodding stopped.

Replaced by a gentle sway,

Or absolute stillness.

The soft slow tune reached us all.

Its beauty filled us all with such emotion,

An emotion that took us to another place,

A place where peace, joy and love existed.

As the song drifted into silence

The assembled throng were in raptures,

The applause rang out like tears,

Tears of emotion,

Brought to us all,

By the glory of Jazz.