
Vials Vicissitudes*

*Vicissitudes - changes of circumstances, especially

of conditions or fortunes

Fits tune: Es Ist Ein Ros = Lo, how a rose e\'er blooming

(\'A great and mighty wonder\')

Revelation Chapter 16 part


1. A great voice from the Temple

God did His angels call

To pour out vials of wrath sure

His judgements right and pure



Seven angels mission

Obeying the holy one

Father, Spirit, and Son


2. First vial upon the earth poured

Caused noisome, grievous sore

On those who had mark of beast

Worshippers, great and least - Chorus


3. Second angel poured on sea

Sea became as blood, see

As the blood of a dead man

All died, none lived, could, can - Chorus


4. Third angel reached the rivers

Fountains, floods, and waters

They too turned into blood red

Undrinkable, quite dead - Chorus


5. Fourth angel turned to the sun

It burnt, scorched every one

But they changed not, no repent

Blasphemed Him, no relent - Chorus


6. Fifth angel to beast\'s seat sent

To beast\'s kingdom he went

Kingdom then turned to darkness

Pain, torment, godlessness - Chorus


7. Sixth angel to Euphrates

Great river, dried, for this

To prepare God\'s great battle

His battle called, final - Chorus


8. Seventh angel poured in air

Hearken, great voice from there

Saying, \'It is done\', so be

Awesome sights now to see - Chorus


9. Voices, thunders and lightnings

Great earthquake \'midst all things

Babylon, city evil

Drinks God\'s fierce wrath, does fall - Chorus