
The Swan\'s Diversity.

Sitting beside the lake I look up

There coming towards me are three swans

Flying gently down to the water,

Elegance personified.

Suddenly their wings pull back,

Their legs stretch forward,

And the silence is broken

As they drop into the lake,

Trying hard to stop

As their webbed feet

Create tidal waves as they hit the water.

They land safely and sail away,

Sail away in the sibilance of silence

With barely a ruffle on the still water.

As the pass me in quiet beauty

I watch as they wind their way round the lake,

A joy to behold in their pure white grandeur.


I look at them once more

And they are getting faster,

Their wings stretch out

They lift from the water

Their feet start running

Splashing all and sundry,

The noise waking all around.

Suddenly they take to the air

And their elegance is once more with them.

A bird of such beauty giving me a show

A show of such opposites

Of quiet elegance,

And noisy unsophistication.