Fay Slimm.

Word Wisdom.


Word Wisdom.


Poets like me at times hitch
a slow ride
on some passing ideal where
behind screens
another reality exists hiding
behind the norm.

glowing in an authentic light

with shadowy guides

                    waiting word-wisdom to share.                   

Dreamland begins
where castles of moonstone
fly starry sign-posts,
naught can shade eager eyes
from mystic wonder

of unseen potential when roads

paved with words appear

between waking and sleeping. 

Nostalgic sighs
become agelessly scented with 
faith, dissolving fears
and mending bent fingers ideas
take wing steering
waves of letters to blank pages

filling lined spaces

to throw seemly enlightenment

to curious minds.

Mood rides high
as untied linguistic phrases free 
pens to delight reading
eyes in seeing imaged horizons
or captured alive

the draw of nature or the crying      

sad rhymes release

whenever a poetic Muse inclines 

ears toward writers.