
When Rodents Roam...

        When Rodents Roam.....

When daylight falls upon this cursed crust.
The moon take over duty for the nightlight lust.
From shadows they emerge into it\'s dusty glow.
Things no sunlight will not ever grow.
Disfigured, disdained, creatures of the dark.
Storybook creations that make the local dogs bark.
This is their time to walk the blackened street.
While in bed the every day folk are fast asleep.
From bins and gardens they take their nightly fill.
Waste for us is their al a carte menu grill.
They scurry out of sight when a late car makes it home.
But soon re appear and continue the nightly roam.
When dawn breaks out its time to take their leave.
But in twenty four, a return they\'ll make, upon the next days,