

Ramble ramble ramble.. Note

Art is merely habitual you can\'t escape its magnetism no matter how hard you fight it once you do,
so begins a heavy slumber within you, allowing your thoughts to drive you into its deepest darkest abyss: thus madness, because fear is you\'re arch nemesis- without art you\'re only sparring as nature\'s adversary; running against it\'s natural course. 

Sooner or later you will come to realize that you can\'t defy these laws.  Art is only natural, it can\'t be concealed, it comes fast it hits us hard and it dies with us everyday:
when we say our goodbyes when we mourn past or outdated relationships, when we are in hurt by those closest to us, then it is so when we have no choice but to move forward or continue to revel in desire but never acquirement.  It sparks a fiery passion.  Love is art, art is Love.  love is death; we dance with it everyday, we taunt it with our smiles, our laughter, and our youthfulness, we are it\'s lovers.. death is in the moment, death is friendly, death is euphoric, death is loving, death comes easy, but its counterpart, which is life is harsh, it is inevitable.. We age we get sick we hurt we lose ourselves even when we are found.  Life is unkind to us it\'s uncomfortable, it\'s frightening.  Life forces us to change to grow to learn to love different people, places, and \"things\".  Therefore where Life gives us the opportunity to find our muses we\'re bound to our inspirations falling short of our aspirations- true fulfillment, if only for a little while.  What stems from this creativity flow is growth that forever molds us, its self nurturing outcome causes us to learn live and love not only others but in different ways..

Art breathes life into us, bringing our inner child happiness before we feared death but innately understood the true meaning of immortality: simply but not quite so simple, evolution. When we silently understood that death made more room for love- and to love life or at least withstand its coldness
Because love isn\'t everlasting, art is life\'s gift to us it dies and rebirths into a never ending cycle

Art isn\'t construct, art is timeless..