Kurt Philip Behm

Ashes Bemired (+3)

The Poet dilettante, pretty words,

—not much else


Your world falls apart, head buried,

darkness felt


Shangi-la’s luxury, your dreams

can’t afford


Rome’s pillars under siege, strong words

must accord


Through hundreds of millenia what has been



“Freedom is won by blood when all cowardice



Unwilling to fight the enemies fire

with fire


Your good intentions to burn,

—your ashes bemired


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2017)



The Burn


If you’re not willing to fight the fire,

—you\'re entitled to the flames


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2017)




Too Short To Dare


Asking life to meet half way,

you always lag behind


The focus on the things you lack,

not the gold you mine


All compromise and copping out,

your table left half bare


The brass ring distant and remote,

—your reach too short to dare


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2017)





Caught In The Jaws


Reaching into the demon’s mouth,

the search entraps and burns


With every click and byte we choose,

the less we seem to learn


Our privacy we save as bait,

the wolves set free to run


Stripped and naked, to live as prey,

—our pasts now theirs to hunt


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2017)