

Backed up into a corner, surrounded on all sides

Fighting tooth and nail to see what the truth hides

You may not see it or want to believe it

This world is crumbling and yet our hearts are split

Will you lie back and succumb to your fantasy

Because there are people like you and me

Out there fighting, their struggle making them free

No one is coming to save those who won\'t save themselves

It is time to grab your pens and write the future ourselves

A choice, a life, a war, and the world to finally reclaim

And a righteous rage of retribution sets your heart aflame

Don\'t let these lies sedate you into a false peace

Their empty promises forming a flawless masterpiece

Now burn it to the ground

It\'s your time to make a sound

Freedom from silence and war

Isn\'t that worth risking your life for?


Like animals, fighting tooth and nail when cornered

Crushing any obstacle, we will not be deterred