little lay lay


I\'m angry, you taught me how to punch walls.  Giving it a piece of mind wondering what you\'re doing now.  Trying to forget all the times we yelled..trying to forget all the times I cried.....

feeling shook, wounds not close to healing.  I am bleeding a new life for myself.  A safer one full of cleanliness, healthiness.  Ever since I confided in myself I became better no need to cry for you.... 

wait for you...  

I am truly fine.  

I\'m smiling for real now.  Light is restored within me.  I feel beautiful.  While you were with me I felt ugly, like it had a whole new meaning, but all along I kept my ears open to unnecessary things.  BRAINWASHED to follow your direction and stop myself from breathing.  

I was numb to the pain you caused, DRUGGED to think I was okay but I wasn\'t.  

I was slowly dying.