
Love Letter


I hate you

I have to tell myself this so I am not compelled to talk to you

It should be easier now, you\'ll be going into the army

Im glad too, they\'ll straighten you out

Because all the times Ive tried, I always seemed to fail

It was like throwing a cat into water and telling it its fun to swim

But who was the cat and who was the water

Maybe you were the water, or maybe you were the one throwing me into the water

Or maybe I was throwing you into the water and the water represented maturity and independence 

But you always ran away and found yourself to me and trusted I wouldn\'t throw you in again

And I didn\'t

Instead I left you.

You\'ll learn in time why I did what I had to do

And I have to write this to you, because you hate cats and I hate you

But I don\'t because my heart is to big for that and you\'ll never read this crappy love letter

So, I\'ll say this.

We will never see each other again, I hope

But if we do, I imagine it in a coffee shop and I will be by myself 

You will walk in and be amazed of how much I have grown up

I will give you a hug and then my new lover will walk in and shake your hand and you will realize what I have already figured out

Our young love was great, but we were too young, I had my plans set out

And you were too caught up on me

I was your sun, but you got to close and I couldn\'t burn you. 

I will always love you

My first lover,