
Explore and learn the operating system of your being


Do you realize that your belief system in embedded in your bodymind prior to logic and rationality?

It sets the blueprints rules of the game of your whole reality.


Once you belief – X/Y/Z…

Your mind will search things to support your beliefs. Be aware you are its slave. You aren’t free!


Yes I know, pragmatically we can’t question everything.

And there is no need to, when dealing with facts or a tangible thing.


Yet when it concern to ideology, religion or following a guru,

You may be blind and without knowing it, their rules / personality will  hypnotize you.


They promise enlightenment, the algorithm to heaven, or highest morality they claim to have.

Without knowing it, you slip and surrender  into limitation in perception and behave.


They will tell you “we have the wisdom, we are testing you. reduce now your ego”

\"We are the truth it’s not a  placebo\".


And because you may be lonely, tired and sad,

You will follow the illusion and give up independence  and free will,  a precious thing you had.


Look at these suicide bombers how brainwashed they are.

Killing and dying for a religion cause, their  madness goes that  far.


So always question my friend – money, motives, manipulation and look.

Wake up from this dream ASAP  as long as you can and pull out of this journey you took.


Remember  no shortcuts or magic – the school of awareness is for you to discover your way.

Your reward is Just freedom, compassion and expanding perception by your own bodymindspirit laboratory – every single day.