
Bittersweet Memories.


The wind whispered my name.
The ocean screamed yours.
The wet sand between my toes reminds me of that one time we sat on the beach.

Do you remember that time? You held my hand, your rough skin rubbed against my sweaty palm.
You stared out to the ocean while I stared at your jawline, your smile.
You brushed my hair behind my ear.
“You are so pretty today” you said to me.
I let out a snort and squint because you made me look at the sun.
My eyes were burning but I didn’t care because you made me smile.
You made me smile.

Do you remember when you kissed me? Your soft lips touched my dry, chapped ones, but you didn’t mind.
You played with my hair and teased me with your tongue.
You laughed into our kiss and I laughed back.

We made love that night, do you remember? You took me back to yours, our warm skin sticking to one another.
You whispered my name.
I screamed yours.

We fought that same night.
I don’t think you would ever forget.
Things were said, back and forth, back and forth.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
“Get out”

I left, the midnight breeze brushed against my naked legs, my arms became numb.
I felt everything and nothing.
Nothing and everything.

Now I’m left with bitter sweet memories.