Louis Gibbs


Frail and in terrible pain

He rose from his deathbed.

His wife and I dressed him.

I drove us to his university

To watch his son graduate.


I pushed the wheelchair

To the edge of the platform

Where he waited in agony \'til

They handed out the diploma,

Then whispered, \"Let\'s go now.\"


At the car a student of his approached;

\"Professor, when might you be available?\"

I wanted to scream, Can\'t you see he\'s dying!

He replied in his typically gracious manner,

\"Let\'s get together when I am better.\"


Back at the hospital\'s cancer ward we

Undressed him and eased him into bed.

After thirty five years, that was the last time

My beloved friend and I would share a day.

We now share the night, in reunions called dreams.