

Seems like it\'s been with me sense day 1
Sure you have your happy days or \"free feeling\" moments
But somehow this little demon of pain come crawling right back to haunt you
Some days are worse than others
Even stress can take over your days & make you feel like you have been defeated
But the days are not where it all ends
It\'s at night that pain really manifest our problems
Nights are suppose to be relaxing, calm, and peaceful
Your suppose to get your full hours of sleep
But, You got thoughts running through your mind in every direction
From a silly mistakes or thoughts earlier that day, that continues to terrible times when you were at your darkest place in life
You pray to god, in hopes that you keep praying for all the positives until you pass out
But the prayer ends & your exhausted, your thoughts eat you, bring up embarrassing moments, moments you can\'t take back, shit I wander if they remember, or maybe I didn\'t lock the door, how do I get that stain out of my shirt, my boss hates me, im sure, how will i get up for school, what\'s even due tomorrow, why am I even thinking this, must be my upbringing or what I\'ve witnessed.
It seems my mind genuinely doesn\'t want me to rest, it will bring up every living detail it can unfold just so you will stay awake in dread the life you live..
wants you to worry, be exhausted in the morning, wake up 15 minutes before class, be late to work, forget ur coffee, and feel nothing but restless all day.
But eventually you do sleep...2-4 hrs later. You may even dream while sleeping.
You get your naps in, go about your day, you may even have a great day.
But now your in bed again....sleeping next to your thoughts.