
Edgy Sardonic Sadistic Vainglorious Altruistic Blasphemy



Never try and force answers upon me -
Especially answers that can only come from within me and with due time -
For shit, sakes don\'t try and tell me that you truly understand what it is that I\'m going through -
And sure in the hell don\'t rebuttal with trying to apathetically convey that you know what it is like to go through something similar...

Please spare me with trying to make me believe that I will surely survive and prevail over all of this -
Or how I will grow stronger because of aforementioned that you too have also been through something of similarity -
You stupid ignorant fucks, I know this already!!

Also please refrain from telling me this is just a test and that I am surely blessed because I was chosen for this task and I was set apart from all the rest to do God\'s bidding -
Sheesh, what a load of crap cause little do you all know that I was told the exact same thing by my recruiter -
Shortly afterwards I was sent off to some godforsaken foreign land to kill the alleged terrorists who a handful turned out to be innocent by standards -
So I could not believe such a lie again because of this...

Do not tell me that my grief shall pass and my sadness will eventually dissipate and soon I shall be free from the chains of misery -
For maybe there is for better comfort for me here in this prison of sorts made up of my own misery, sadness, and grief -
For the love of God!!
I ask ever so harshly try not to stand in such pious judgment condemning all of my unholy god awful sins -
When you all yourselves have an abundant of secretive unholy absurd sins to which none of you ever have confessed, now do you not though?

Also, I humbly request that none of you ever try and feed me the line that God cares about me and he has blessed me to be alive because I know that is utter nonsensical malarkey!!
So neigh I say, that indeed I\'m not blessed at all but rather instead I am hexed and blighted!!

Blimey, isn\'t anyone actually aware at all, that the Devil intentionally made God deaf and blind then proceeded to gagged and bound Him and then finally lock God within the deepest darkest regions of hell?
Ergo the Devil is simply just masquerading around as God himself -
And since the Devil is essentially the prince of evil He only cares about the wicked and cruel thriving above all else -
He is not too overly concerned or empathetic about one\'s agony, sorrow, misery, sadness or loneliness whatsoever...

Furthermore, no one can ever jest the notion that it is I who must untie my bonds and release myself from all of my own sufferings -
Foolish insensitive boorish dolts, hold your tongue from telling me when it is that I must weep!!
And silence your ignorance by trying to say crying is for the best!!
Hold back your insolence of trying to tell me that over time my wounds will heal and that my scars are beautiful!!
Do you all think I am some kind of dense and ignorant schmuck not to know any of these factual insights about myself!?

So verily I contest unto all, that it would take years for anyone of you priggish blokes to even slightly comprehend all of the horrendous tragic misfortunes and miseries to which I have endeavored and endured through alone -
And it would even take exceedingly more years for any of you pompous dimwits to even get the effrontery to mustard just an ounce of intestinal fortitude, not to mention any noteworthy gumption so you could make a stand and begin to try and grapple with all that I have dealt with over my yesteryears...

For it is only by your disgraceful hasty demise that any of you pathetic self-centered cretins would ever be able to fully overcome and defeat all of the darkness demons and fears, to which I have already vanquished -
Which oddly to admit I somehow ever so gradually have become strangely accustomed to -
So much to the point where now I consider them to be my closest allies and companions above any humankind -
The reasons why I have chosen the darkness, my fears and my demons over anyone else, is because I undoubtedly know that they are a predictable consistent entity unlike the inhumane humanness of this doomed god forsaken shit stain of a world...

Now lastly, I sadly bring to light that my entire life has been simply nothing more than a gloomy forewarning handwriting on the wall which was written by the gods themselves -
For they were cruel and harsh with cursing my life to be filled with a whole heck of a lot of continual mounds of copious adversities, hardships, afflictions, struggles, farewells, bittersweet goodbyes and endless hours of loneliness -

So do me a favor will ya?
Don\'t even attempt to try and hold any sort of comparisons of my life to yours ever again you apathetic imbecile!!
In fact, do me a solid and leave me the fuck alone!!
Unless you just want to set alongside me and watch the sun rise and set and be there by my side in utter silence -
For it is the only way that you can truly demonstrate your sincere to camaraderie towards me...