
Haiku tour

Buried trees grown buildings

Name plate on the apartment gate \"SAVE TREES\"


Message in cell phone



Moon watched the kiss I gave to my girl through window

and with shy it crescents


protesters protest not to cut trees

Holding paper boards 


Everybody likes to shade under a tree

But few likes to grow one


Every alcohol bottles bear- it\'s injurious to health

Then why do they manufacture


Billionaires bought Tickets to mars trip ,who not even went for a road trip


Mom and dad work hard to make their children rich

Till that they put the poor child in creche


Phones are not wired to our ear

Until they have a wire


Person steals others food, tells

The economy is not so good


Five sense animals never become obese but majority of six sense does


People fear- death, instead

Fear -death without living


Instead of work out for health

We work out for wealth


Try hard to understand your loved ones rather trying to know them


Person who loves his game

Never plays for fame.


Loyalty towards work

Loyalty towards employer

is not the same


Precious are one which never tells they are precious


Poisonous minds are more poison

Than a poisonous poison


Heights of heights are not reached by heights of mind but by heights of holding pain.


See the sea when she see the sea

Be the bee when she sees a bee

know to know what she know to no

Love to love what she loves to love 


Taking life throws you in prison

Then Only humans have life not animals and bugs


Flowers does not live for a little time