on the fluttered fringes of these skins
our breezes are easy chemicals
solar licking flares
that expose us nudely
to our schemes
the cells eclipse the voyeurs
reduce them to elemental things
blood and nerves and jasmine
exhaling ballads to ravening lungs
impatient for panting warm
on wreaths of thirsty sheets
where cool was lost to pulses
in the bosom of some neural music
hovered in this in between
cusp of still life breathless
endlessly painting our beginning
the jealous artists\' brushes
pale to paint our water colors
where hell\'s fingers cannot snare
the virgin\'s suicide
and the criers and howling wolves
will lie in soothe of full lipped winds
that strip the quivered branches
wide eyed at her leaves
whose oxygen is not sovereign
I will part their lips
and clamp their eyes
if you will give me nothing
but to lean in for
this kiss