

I wanna runaway

I don\'t care anymore

No happiness is truly there
I\'m fake in the morning
I have no true passion towards life
People may love me but they don\'t know me
People may know I\'m there but they don\'t see me
I\'m just a ghost in the world I\'m just a ghost in ur eyes
Even though god is there he\'s not on my side
If anyone knows me truly it\'s someone I\'ll never meet
If someone really cares it\'s someone who doesn\'t know me
If there\'s someone who can see ghosts like me then they are trapped behind a wall
I\'m a ghost and ghosts are never heard
If someone\'s listening they don\'t understand
If someone is going to help me they are too late
If you feel this way then you are a friend but I don\'t know you
If you have shed these tears then u know that no one can catch them
Im just a ghost in ur eye I\'m just a ghost to the world