
I miss somebody

There is no cure for missing the person you love. I have never had someone to miss before 2 Novembers ago. He was 430 miles away from me. 

Long distance isn\'t easy, I\'ll tell you that much. We made it work. We had visits and phone calls. Texting every day and sending voice mails to listen to at a later date.

We were perfect. And then suddenly, we were not anymore. Bickering here and there, disagreements, and not getting along as well as we used to. 

Now we have grown apart for various reasons. Yet, I find myself constantly missing him. He is the only person I want to talk to about my day and hear about his.

But the truth of the matter is, I made the decision to leave and I cannot feel sorry for myself. He deserved better and this was my way for him to get what he really deserved.

I still love him. I always will, until the day I die. He is the man I wake up thinking about and go to sleep hoping to dream about.

I hope our paths cross in the future because we are still young and the world is full of possibilities. Yet, one thing I will never be able to shake...

I will always miss him.