
Broken Country.

Whose to blame?

It was us oldies

Living too long,

Using all the money,

The money we had paid

To live in our retirement.

But no, it was now our fault,

We were living too long,

And those in power,

And those with money,

Wanted more,

Through their greed

For their own gains.


The election was a farce,

She didn’t get her way,

Her lead was removed,

And the youngsters were blamed.

They went out and voted,

Voted for the first time.

They voted differently

And it was said that

It was their fault,

Their fault that the election failed.


Cannot those in power see,

It is not the oldies fault,

Or the youngsters fault,

It is theirs!

Their need to give profit,

Give profit and power,

To themselves,

To their party

Is all they can see!

And all they want!

The people don’t matter to them!

The country doesn’t matter to them!


We live in a broken country!

Changes must be made!