
Triumphant Tellings

Fits tune: Nicaea

(\'Holy, Holy, Holy\')

Revelation 11 v.15 - 19


1. Seventh angel sounding

Trumpet blast hailing

Great voices in heaven say

\'Tis come, eternal day

For kingdoms of this world

Are become, \'tis unfurled

Kingdoms of our Lord

And His Christ, the Word


2. He shall reign for ever

Ceaselessly, ever

Then twenty four elders

Humble act then them stirs

For they from their seats rise

Worship Him who ne\'er dies

Fall on their faces

Offer fair graces


3. Saying, We you thanks give

You who ever live

Lord God the Almighty

Of earth, sky, land, and sea

You are, you were, and too

You are to come, make new

Have your great power took

And us not forsook


4. All power yours by right

You shall reign, grand sight

Though the nations angry were

Time of your wrath you stir

Now there the dead\'s judgement

Hour has come, no relent

Rewards to all good

Promised as you would


5. Rewards, servants, prophets

All who goldy witness

Saints there too, small and great

Blessed is their estate

And all who your name fear

All who love you sure, dear

But too destruction

[To] Who creation shun


6. For judgements to those who

Despite to earth do

Then Temple of God opened

In heaven, sky did rend

There seen in His Temple

Ark of Cov\'nant, aweful

Lightnings, thunderings

Earthquake too, storm\'s wings