
Everything but Twice

I breathed in and I didn\'t feel a thing 

When I cry I don\'t feel anyone 

Even when his skin is against mine I don\'t feel anything 

...It takes me an hour and a half to get ready

I change my outfit at least 10 times before I leave

I won\'t leave the house if I don\'t like my hair or my make up or myself 

I flick the light switches on and off again before I leave the bathroom  

I don\'t turn the lights in my bedroom on...ever

I think about everything I do at least twice

I think I cry at the small things

I think cry at the small things

I think I hyperventilate at the big things

I think I hyperventilate at the big things

I think I don\'t feel anything  

I think I don\'t want to feel anything 

I\'d rather be empty then do this 

Everyday I wake up again and again 

I edit myself into someone else

Tear away at my own skin hoping someone else is lying underneath 

Someone better 

Someone smarter

Someone who doesn\'t care if I am perfect or not 

But even when I rip away at my skin 

Bully myself to the bone

Torture myself into vulnerability 

Think too much 

And fix every mistake 

I think I don\'t feel anything