
My Battle with my mental health

        My Battle with my mental health....


Mental health, two words that do not sit side by side.
I fight you each and every day. Sometimes you win, most times I lose.
A struggle to rise from pit or quarter.
Weighed down with purpose and expectation.
False confidence a mask I wear so well.
That non can see what\'s behind its dark veil.
Ambivalent and non plus, two words that tell,
This days story, of my own living hell.
But non can hurt so as this cape of anger.
That wraps around me, then all self control is lost.
Sickness you say, well a sickness it is.
No pill, no liquid will quench its blood lust.
Unlike the church bell that rings to signal events.
Mental illness attacks with no warning nor sound.

But Tomorrow may not be such a bad day....