Writings From The Unknown13

My Goodbyes...

you broke me til i was scarred

your moving forward,

and your leaving me behind

your breaking parts of me i didnt even know could exist

looks like you never gave it your all

all of your perfect imperfections are just meaningless to me now

your moving 3,630 miles away...

and i still hope i can say my goodbyes

i just want a chance to say my goodbyes

i just want a chance to apologize

its gonna burn,

and its gonna sting...

watching you drive away

but the worst part of it all...

is that im not even going to be there

im never going to be able to say my goodbyes

its gonna hurt knowing your over 3000 miles away

look me in the eyes and tell me goodbye...

where are you?

i cant find you anywhere

am i too late?

did i miss my chance?

please tell me your here

please tell me i have a chance to see your face one last time

please tell me i have a chance to finally say goodbye

or am i too late?

it kills me to wonder if i was to late

and it breaks me apart to know that i let you slip away

its going to haunt me knowing...

i never got to say my goodbyes...