
Go Kill One Another Jew and Arab!

Go Kill One Another Jew and Arab!

Real isn\'t the deal if you don’t feel, “maybe it\'s better to be like the pig and squeal, Just before the slaughter”, said a Jewish man to his younger daughter as they discussed the virtues of Kosher vs. Halal. Which quickly turned to God vs. Allah and in the end they refused to believe dear friends that the differences between Arab and Jew are almost mute and quite few. Yet the words “hate” and “disgust” force them to kill their sons for they must, as there are many who never want peace between the two. This is what evil was born to do. Death brings pain and pain brings passion so children of God become assassins in this terrible game, In which some believe dying brings fame but to others it is shame. I point fingers and cast the blame, past ourselves and onto another this is why we are not sisters and brothers. It\'s a  deadly game where children die, mothers cry, and I ask God:


Can’t we mimic your blue sky where at least there is solace and peace?

Where the clouds interact in harmony together with the sky
And the birds don’t ask:

Couldn’t we try?

To share what is just above our heads

And not teach our children they\'ll be martyrs now their dead:

Dead and gone

Yet the sky is still blue and the clouds shuffle on

Past those who worship and mourn
In a Middle East that is forever torn.