
Burnt Lies

Lies burned my throat
But I kept telling them
The same ones over and over
And again
Lies hurt
The teller
And the listener
Lies ruin the believer
Yet we all told them

My lies are unsafe
For me
My lies hurt me
My lies burt
My body

My body is a temple
I am not the queen
I am a servent to my lies

You always told me
Honesty isn\'t always easy
But it\'s always right
The truth rolls off my tounge
As rightfully as the stars shine in the sky
But the lies...
They still fell
They\'ve shot just like the stars

The truth
Always shines
The shining words scream
Through a smile
And heal
The burns

Honesty makes the crown shine
And I
The servent
Am now crowned the queen
Thanks to you