I,Who,You,Everybody and Nobody are five friends
gone to the bar named \"Somewhere\"
after the drink, everybody ran in to a fight
where Nobody took a glass and stabs Everybody
only I witnessed the crime scene
as \"Somebody\" the owner of the bar called , police reached Somewhere
officer \"Anybody\" asks Who ,who killed Everybody?
Who said-i do not know who killed Everybody but I know who killed Everybody
Anybody asks I -who killed Everybody?
\"Who killed Everybody\" I lied to save Nobody
Who took Anybody\'s gun in vengeance
I was running around Somewhere but ,Who shot I
Somebody said- Somewhere the bar has camera
after everybody watched Everybody\'s death in the footage
Anybody arrested Nobody for the killing
also arrested Who,who shot I
Anybody thanked Somebody for the help
and everybody sitting Somewhere for their support
Finally it was You, who was standing Somewhere confused