
Midnight Thoughts: My Grief

Your wings were ready, my heart was not,

An easy thing to say, but the tears are hard to stop.

They say not all who wander are as lost as they may seem,

But every time I go to sleep I beg for you in my dreams.

They say we are to meet again, and maybe that will be,

But from the time you died, it was just so hard to see.

Maybe from the tears, or just the lack of trying,

But why try to see a world in which everyone is dying.

They say it gets better, but what do they know,

You were always the one behind me, I even called you my shadow.

Always right beside me, in the good times and the bad,

The one who wiped my tears whenever I was sad.

You were my rock and shelter, and even that sounds wrong,

The \"were\" should be \'are\' and I shouldn\'t be alone.

I never thought I\'d say that sentence in past tense, and everyday I\'m alive,

I just cant shake the sense that we are all dying slowly.

No one knows quite when,

We will say our last words and that will be the end.

As sad as it may seem, I wait for that day,

The day I hang my hat with nothing more to say.

For then I\'ll be with you, far beyond the stars,

I\'ll tell you my whole story, and show you all my scars.

The ones from past your time, the ones from my grief,

To show you that a world without you, is not a happy place.

But until then, I write in hopes to be okay,

In hopes of the day I\'ll get to see your pretty face. 

Sometimes I may cry and yell and scream,

But just know I\'ll be waiting for you...... in my happiest dreams.