
If only. I was brave enough.

Why me?


In here.


My tears drip fearlessly onto something, anything, to escape the mind-forged madness inside my prison. No wonder. Even they can\'t stand me.


What if?

There was a way.

A plan.

An escape.

Get out.

Be free.

I hear him whisper the obvious without cessation. Him. There\'s no escape. No way to claw any sense of reality back from the deepest darkest depths of nowhere.


There is.

You know it.

He knows it.

He tells me.

I know it.

I think.

I wait.

I try.

I\'m too shy.

A coward.



I wish.


I\'m getting there.

The knives: three.

The pills: seventy five.


If only.

I was brave enough.

Like you.

I haven\'t forgotten you, you know.


Don\'t forget me.