The Invisible


Okay so life hasn’t always been that great

Sometimes I have even doubted fate

A smile is something I can easily fake

It’s not cause I wish it no it’s cause in my past some just take

My love and pretend like it’s nothing

Yet my body now that’s something

The part I really hate though

Is I let it happen so

What does that say about me

I mean am I like them to a certain degree?

There are moments I blame myself for breaking my heart

That if I would be careful then it wouldn’t be apart

Parents say I chose to see the best in everyone

If only they knew how it wasn’t fun

Choosing to see the best is something I wouldn’t stop

Even knowing it’s not putting me on the top

Right now it’s hard to tell if I’m going up or down

But there are still good people around

My heart is something I will protect

In the past, I’ve had some regrets

But they made me stronger in a sort of weird way

Because it’s why I’m guarded today

Not in the sense I’ll never let people in

No just were they don’t think there’s even an option to lose or win.