
void vs void

I call my God the void.

Endless knowledge he possess.

Stretching from universes, to simple minds.


When I feel a void.

Its different.


While his void is filled.

Mine is empty.


While his is filled with thoughts of creativity

and images created with breath taking light.


I stare in my mirror hoping to catch a glimpse of him.


While hes busy, attending evocations, and what else Gods do.


I lay in my bed hoping for him to appear to comfort and soothe my tears.


While he cares, I never call upon him.


I am silent, always.


While his world is filled with noise.

Learning new information, the thoughts of his followers and their prayers.


I either hear slight noises of the house settling, or my parents fighting.

When I bring my music loud for all to hear my head finally feels silent.


I drink

While he consumes energy.


While I watch mine turn into something its not.


I’ve become strong, I’ve become powerful.

Yet I feel so helpless.


The void in my chest grows.

I am alone in a room filled with joyous people.


I am utterly alone.