It\'s changing...

it\'s changing...things are getting out of  hand
we\'re all pawns used for the wars
all you guys want is land
every girls is getting called a whore

girls have higher shorts
while boys have lower standards
everyone just care about sports
and the kindest people are in wards

suicides have increased
and so have the jokes
pay has greatly decreased
no one cares about the old folks

horrible words are getting spread
and no one tries to help anymore
parents leave their homes with babies in cribs
guys bet who will get scored

you mistaken kindness for flirting
you don\'t care about the self harming
people get hate for even their singing
everyone stopped saying ma\'am or sir

our lives are different, that is true
though we just need to continue to live it
even if the people are cruel
even if you do get hit

don\'t listen to what others say
remember your fear is great
please don\'t fall and just lay
and I promise you\'ll find your mate