P.X. Vexxus


The heartless wind blows

Upon this desolate land of snow

In his heart, he feels the frozen cold

In his mind, devastation has been foretold


In the barren landscape of rotting decay

Countless bodies are buried in gray

He has foreseen mankind led astray

Caught in their greed, now they must pay

Thundering storms tear apart this world of misery

Searing winds destroy all the world in it\'s agony

In fiery explosions the world is coated in debris

And in the end, all is swallowed by the raging dead sea

In this wasteland, he stands upon the highest mountain

He watches the world below, as all is slowly forgotten

He stands alone, within his quiet isolation

Clouded in grief, all becomes lost in eternal damnation


Opening his enlightened eyes, he finds himself shaking

He stands there alone, and cries in all his frustration

Mankind has long been lost, fools who will never listen

Only now does he realize, this is only the beginning


All of mankind will wither away to nothing

Doomed, they will fade from what is coming

He has foreseen the end, it cannot be avoided

At long last, the world will be freed from poison