Shona Loya

Salaries are bribes to our dreams!!

Salaries are bribes to our Dreams.

Mind control is when one is instilled a system of greediness.

Were one cannot live to the fullest,

Were one cannot pursue what they came here 4.

Y, because they have colonized them mentally

Salaries are just video games aimed at making YOU,

Comfortable on ATM’S (At least Time Moves)


Salaries are part of the new world order

Control, Rule and Inculcate

That’s not what we live 4 nor opt to live within,

But what we are forced to live by.

Salaries are just winds that are designed to wash away

Your thoughts and instill a Dialectic Materialist Dream,

A dream that was meant to be dreamt by them but,

Not the living race, a dream that shall be ever pursuing,

But conquers what you live for.


Salaries are indeed are legal incentives meant to destroy,

Conquer and defeat what you are meant to live 4.

It’s not the salary that makes you rich, but your spending habits do.

Success is a bastard as it has many fathers, and failure is an orphan, with no takers.
Rather hate liars than thieves, coz thieves are after your salary

And liars are after your reality.

To be number one you need to be ODD.

By: Sbuda Maloya    23/06/17