
Close minded elderly

Close minded elderly, how little they see.
Their lives are content as they wait for the day the reaper takes them silently.
Groups or alone silent or laughing they are wise in their old age and refuse to agree
the world is changing more than they can see
They talk about war and the news
so blind minded that people change and the world is still just as screwed
We went through a war we\'re married and happy

fighting their war everyday.
That still makes you wiser you say?
Because world war 2 had guns when we have technology.
Can you change the way they feel if they\'re homosexual in this democracy
because you\'re wiser clever and your man stood on the moon and fought for a war
ours dress the way they want behind closed doors.
Your women made food of little amounts
while ours work their hardest and still feed mouths.
It isn\'t a competition I understand it wasn\'t easy
but slagging of our generation is unnecessary.
Close minded elderly only then will you see
the world is a lot different when you were the same age as me