
The Ambrosia Aqueducts

Hello, sweet morning, whom I open my eyes to

clouds like rosy strawberries up in the sky 

kissed by a lemon sun and a melon moon

when the Earth turns itself each noon. 


And the perfect sunshine that floats itself down

is a sugary lemonade like honey in pallor 

the best kind of atmosphere for a citrus town, 

who enjoys it outside like peaches under pavilion. 


And the pear walls that make up this ville

with cherry lights to illuminate it till 

the plum of night makes its exit; 


All of it is watered and quenched

by a liquid delivered straight to its neck-

the Ambrosia Aqueducts. 


So immortality to the verbatim philosophy 

that laughter is the best medicine-

the truth behind those wisely words

is enough to cure any malady.