Emile Dubois

The survivors

Life is not merely about survival
It\'s about a meeting of the soul
If one sees a winner as a survivor
One has missed the point
One is looking at life as a game
As a means to an end
The deeper more meaningful
Is then erased.
The winners may have the spoils
Yet are diminished in many ways
The survivors go beyond the maelstrom
The daily barrage of shit
Those who can smile
Those condemned..like Sisyphus
They transcend \'this sickness unto death\'
Man will always be altered by his own perception
The one joyous thing that is always present
Sits within, unchanged by the egocentric world
Undaunted by life and it\'s attempts to unhinge
Unhindered by this modern nature
We are not animals
Nor mind based entities
Fight or flight isn\'t the ultimate goal
They\'re polarities in the landmine without thought
To exist as a survivor without a connection with soul
Is to be a victim of all