
Love and its siblings


Love is in the air.

All we need to do, is inhale it and transmit it with vitality and no despair.


\"How do you transmit love\" you may ask?

It starts with purifying your intention task.


Make sure there is no hidden agenda or barter expectations,

Love is unconditioned energy with no prior anticipation.


Love covers many siblings in its family.

Giving attention and effective listening come naturally.


Creating a space / stage in your mind for others to act authentically and freely.

Smile and encourage him /her to manifest creativity.


Generate an incubator conditions to share their vulnerability.

Yet do not let sadism, violence or manipulation take advantage of your friendliness and  sensitivity.


Accept that there are bugs in perception in you and in the others, with humility.

Compassion and empathy are gentle power that removes fear and anxiety.


Do you agree that communication and collaboration are vital for existentially and healthy humanity?