Worn Sleeve-Heart

The Light, The Trees, and The Weeds

The Light, The Trees, and The Weeds

By: Worn Sleeve-Heart


If we break down our souls,

We are divided into half,

Love and Greed,

Compassion and Cruelty,

Faithful and Betrayal,

But in life today, is the light dead?

Has the light been out cast by the weeds of society?

Making us all blind to warmth,

Making us numb to fruitful joys life can bloom plentiful,

But only with the three essential keys,

Light of love, Water of Loyalty, and the firm hand to raise it into a great tree,

But still these resources dwindle now,

Littler and littler,

Smaller and smaller,

Kindness needs to be revived,

It needs the next generation to help thy brother,

To help thy sister,

To help anybody and show love,

What will happen?

Where will the world go now?

Only the light, the trees, and the weeds will tell.